Woxkursion Mulhouse Metz

Dear All,

please find here our timeschedule for the Woxcursion to Metz via Mulhouse on 25./26. October.

Please register here to confirm via this Etherpad https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/Woxkursion your participation and if you wish to stay at the Hotel F1 com.

So far we have reserved 12 rooms and need your binding confirmation by 18. October. From our point of view, this is the only accommodation with ok prices for single and double rooms with two separate beds for many.

The rooms are very functional and the location is 1.4 km from the centre. Keyword: router, travailleur, Autobahn, funktional, interesting.

About buying the train ticket. Unfortunately there is no option for grouptickets anymore. I recomend you to buy the Carte Fluo online if you are 26 or older, to safe 30 Euro.

At the bottom of the Email you find the links and as well the tickets. If you don’t have credit cards, please let me know, so we can do together.

We travel on regional trains, where prices are fix and valid for the day of the booking.

Looking forward to the StudioLab Woxperiment Exkursion.

See you on upcoming Wednesday for Reflexion, where questions are very welcome

Wishing a happy Friday

Lena and the WoTeam

Wednesday 25.October 2023 


9.08 Basel SBB departure (platform 33)

9.39 Mulhouse arrival

(Travel to Basel is self-organised)

Visit La Kunsthalle:

10.00 – 12.00 Destins Communs – Omar Ba


Meeting with Marine Ambrosini (art mediation)

Visit to the exhibition according to a protocol by Laurance Mellinger (artistist and mediator)

Questions that concern us: Wo sind wir? What is a Centre D’art? What is its mission? What is the context? How do they collaboration with the artists, visitors?

12.00 – 13.00 Lunch / picnic (weather permitting)

13.00 – 15.15 Walk through the city, towards the train station.

15.15 Meeting  Park in Front of the Trainstation in good weather


15.44 Mulhouse Ville

18.35 Metz Ville arriving via Strassbourg

In Metz:

Move into hostel individually (proposition from the Woteam:

www. all.accor.com/hotel/2320/index.fr.shtml#section-rooms

Option to have an aperitif and dinner together in a Brasserie Populaire.

www.lestavernes.com (if someone wants to make another suggestion. Gladly!)

Thursday 25 October 2023

Visit Pompidou Metzt:

10.00 – 12.00 www.centrepompidou-metz.fr/en

12.30 – 13.30 Guided Tour with a representative of Frac Lorraine

13.30 Late Lunch

13.30 – 14.30 See the Videoworks

14.30 –

Questions that concern us: What is a frac? What is its mission? Collection focus on ephemeral art: how does it work?


16.00 – 16.30 Gathering in front of the Pompidou Metz, Echo the Experience


16.42 from Metz

19.40 Basel arrival

Expected costs:

Basel – Metz approx. 50 francs with Carte Fluo (20.- for one year) or approx. 100 francs without Carte Fluo.

Those who cannot come, or hesistate because of budget, there is fund for support, contact Sabine or Lena (confidential)

Those who cannot come for time reasons will make an excursion on their own, with excursion report.

Link Buy Ticket: www.sncf-connect.com

Link Carte Fluo: www.ter.sncf.com/grand-est/tarifs-cartes/cartes-reduction/carte-fluo

Link Hotel: Lena has reserved rooms. Please register here who wants a room with details of twin room (20.-) or single room (40.-).
